Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Hypothesis Testing Is Undertaken Health And Social Care Essay

This chapter describes the methodological analysis used in the current survey that examines the relationship between emotional intelligence ( EI ) and burnout among nurses working in private infirmaries in Malaysia. Specifically, this chapter inside informations the research design selected by the research worker, population and sampling, trying processs, and informations aggregation method.3.2 Research DesignResearch design is a maestro program that specifies the methods and processs for roll uping and analysing informations needed for work outing a job ( Zikmund, 2003 ) . Harmonizing to Cooper and Schindler ( 2008 ) , research design is the design for aggregation, measuring, and analysis of informations. Sekaran and Bougie ( 2011 ) stated, â€Å" the research design involves a series of rational decision-making picks associating to the intent of the survey, the type of probe, the extent of research worker intervention, the survey scene, the unit of analysis, the clip skyline, the type of sample to be used every bit good as the measuring, informations aggregation methods, trying design, and informations analysis † . This survey used hypothetico-deductive method or a quantitative attack, whereby harmonizing to Creswell ( 2005 ) , a hypothetico-deductive method is â€Å" a type of educational research in which the research decides what to analyze, asks specific, narrows inquiries, collects numeral ( numbered ) informations from participants, analyzes these Numberss utilizing statistics, and conducts the enquiry in an indifferent and nonsubjective mode † . In short, hypothetico-deductive method is an enquiry into an identified job, based on proving a theory, measured with Numberss and analyzed utilizing statistical techniques. Therefore, the end of hypothetico-deductive method is to find whether the prognostic generalisations of a theory clasp true. This method besides provides a quick, cheap, efficient, and accurate agencies of measuring information about those who are involved in the survey ( Zikmund, 2003 ) . The intent of this survey was hypothesis testing. Based on the account given by Sekaran and Bougie ( 2011 ) , a hypothesis testing is undertaken to explicate the discrepancy in the dependant variable or to foretell organisational results. In this sense, the research worker wanted to cognize the nature of the relationship that may be established between EI and burnout by proving the hypothesis developed. Since the purpose of this survey is to set up a mensurable relationship between EI and burnout, thereby hypothetico-deductive attack is said to be more suited. This method is appropriate to analyze the relationship between variables and to find how much one variable contributes to the anticipation of another ( Creswell, 2005 ; Leedy & A ; Omrod, 2005 ) . Specifically, a hypothetico-deductive study method utilizing a descriptive correlativity design is used to prove the dealingss between all the variables of the survey. The correlativity research design is used when the relationships b etween variables are non considered causal, and where the relationship between two or more variables is determined ( Salkind, 2003 ) . In add-on, hypotheses are developed and tested to depict and explicate the nature of relationship between EI and burnout among the nurses working in private infirmaries. Sekaran and Bougie ( 2011 ) pointed out that the extent of intervention by the research worker with the normal of work in the workplace has a direct bearing on whether the survey undertaken is causal or correlativity. Since the correlational research was used, the survey was conducted in the natural environment of the organisation with minimum intervention by the research worker with the normal flow or work in noncontrieved scenes. In other words, informations were collected from the nurses involved in their workplace. Researcher did non alter any of the scene of their workplace whereby their day-to-day modus operandi occupations were minimally interfered when research was done. Apart from that, the informations were gathered merely one time. Hence, it was a cross-sectional survey. Figure 3.1 below shows the research design for the relevant survey. *diagram3.3 Population and SamplingThe population of research is â€Å" a group of possible participants to whom you want to generalise the consequences of the survey † ( Salkind, 2003 ) . Since there are no limited resources such as clip, cost, and human resources, it is non practical and about impossible to study the whole population. On the other manus, trying enables a research worker to garner information rapidly and besides reduces the cost and work force demands for informations aggregation. Sampling besides enables the research worker to do generalisation sing the whole population or parts of the whole population based on a little figure of elements ( Zikmund, 2003 ) . This subdivision discusses the sampling process, including population, unit of analysis, trying frame, trying design, and sample size.3.3.1 Population, Sampling Frame and Unit of AnalysisThe population for the survey consists of the staff nurses employed at three private infirmaries in Klang Valley, Mala ysia. ***3.3.2 Sampling DesignThis research focused on the private infirmaries in Klang Valley. The logic behind choosing the private infirmaries in Klang Valley is that the big and good equipment infirmaries are located in this country and they serve a higher denseness of population. The highest population densenesss are found in Kuala Lumpur, followed by Penang and Putrajaya ( 6,891, 1,490, and 1,478 individuals per square kilometer severally ) for the twelvemonth of 2010 ( Department of Statistics, Malaysia, 2012 ) . **Since the larger private infirmaries are focused in Klang Valley, they have besides higher bed capacity which is assumed to straight interpret to the figure of nurses being hired by these infirmaries. A sum of three private infirmaries in Klang Valley were selected with most of them holding a bed capacity of more than **200. Therefore, it can be assumed that rather a bulk of private infirmary nurses are located in the infirmaries in Klang Valley. Additionally, the elements that constituted as the sample of the research needed to be selected from the population. The procedure of choosing equal figure of elements from a population is called the sampling design. The major types of trying design include chance and non-probability sampling. In chance sampling, every component in the population has some known opportunities of choice whereas in non-probability sampling, the elements ‘ opportunity of being selected as sample topics is unknown ( Zikmund, 2003 ) . High generalizability of the findings and non being confidently generalizable are two specific features of chance and non-probability sampling severally ( Sekaran & A ; Bougie, 2011 ) . This survey utilised chance trying design to choose the single private infirmary staff nurses. The nurses were selected utilizing simple random trying to enable wider generalizability of the findings.3.3.3 Sample SizeThe determination about sample size is non based on a definite reply bu t depends on a figure of considerations ( Bryman & A ; Bell, 2007 ) . The sample size depends on three factors: ( 1 ) the type of informations analysis ; ( 2 ) the coveted truth of the consequences ; and ( 3 ) the population features ( Neuman, 2003 ) . Harmonizing to Sekaran and Bougie ( 2011 ) , the sample size is governed by the extent of preciseness, assurance desired, variableness in population, cost and clip restraint, and the size of population. The sample size should be big plenty to enable research workers to foretell the population parametric quantities within acceptable bounds. In general, two constituents of a good sample are its adequateness and representativeness. Since an optimum sample size besides helps in minimising the entire cost of trying mistake, hence an appropriate sample size must be chosen. Sekaran and Bougie ( 2011 ) stated a tabular array suggested by Krejcie and Morgan ( 1970 ) has greatly simplified the sample size determination to guarantee a good determination theoretical account. Since the population of this survey consist of ****xxx**** private infirmary staff nurses as identified earlier, hence based on the tabular array provided by Krejcie and Morgan, the sample size needed was at least, n=xxxx staff nurses.3.4 Data Collection MethodThis subdivision explains the method used for garnering informations. In this survey, secondary information every bit good as primary informations were involved. Secondary informations referred to the diary articles, public records, text editions, or any other information that were available for readings. From these informations, related countries and a figure of informations aggregation methods were studied and the most applicable 1s were chosen. On the other manus, primary informations resulted from a combination of two different set of questionnaires were developed specifically for each of the countries: EI and burnout. These questionnaires were combined along with the selected demographics variables. This subdivision further describes some advantages of carry oning a study utilizing questionnaires. It besides elaborates on each questionnaire that is used to mensurate the forecaster and standard variable of the current survey.3.4.1 Personally Administered QuestionnairesSurvey research workers collect quantitative and numeral informations utilizing questionnaires ( Creswell, 2005 ) . A questionnaire is â€Å" a pre-formulated written set of inquiries to which respondents record their replies within closely defined options † ( Sekaran & A ; Bougie, 2011 ) . Basically, questionnaires enable efficient informations aggregation when the research worker knows precisely what information is needed and how to mensurate the variables of the survey ( Sekaran & A ; Bougie, 2011 ) . Specifically, this survey used personally administered questionnaire studies method for informations aggregation and the instrument of the survey was developed by incorporating the points applied by the old research workers. Harmonizing to Sekaran and Bougie ( 2011 ) , the chief advantages of personally administered questionnaires include: ( 1 ) can set up resonance and motivate respondent ; ( 2 ) uncertainties can be clarified on the topographic point ; ( 3 ) less expensive and consumers less clip than questioning when administered to groups of respondents ; ( 4 ) about 100 % response rate ensured and responses could be collected within a short period of clip ; and ( 5 ) namelessness of respondent is high. To plan a good questionnaire, Sekaran and Bougie ( 2011 ) stated that it is advisable to include some negatively worded inquiries alternatively of give voicing all inquiries positively. Thereby, the inclination in respondents to automatically circle the points towards one terminal of the graduated table is minimized. Nevertheless, in instance this does still go on, the research worker has an chance to observe such prejudice. Hence, both positively and negatively worded inquiries are included in the questionnaire for current research. Apart from that, double-barrelled, equivocal, recall-dependant, prima, and loaded inquiries, every bit good as societal desirableness responses have to be avoided ( Sekaran and Bougie, 2011 ) . The sequence of inquiries should be such that the respondent is led from inquiries of a general nature to those that are more specific, and from inquiries that are comparatively easy to reply to those that are increasingly more hard ( Sekaran and Bougie, 2011 ) . An full research rests on the measuring instruments, which must be dependable, valid, and appropriate for replying the research inquiry of the survey ( Leeky & A ; Ormrod, 2005 ) . The usage of bing instruments ensures the quality of a study inquiries ( Cone & A ; Foster, 1993 ) . Using bing instruments to build a measuring questionnaire adds proved cogency, dependability, truth, and effectivity from past usage ( Creswell, 2005 ) . Therefore, the research worker adapted self-report bing instruments to mensurate all the concepts of the present research. All the self-report steps are discussed in inside informations in the undermentioned subdivisions. Schutte Self-Report Emotional Intelligence Test ( SSEIT )This survey utilized the Schutte Self-Report Emotional Intelligence Test ( SSEIT ) ( Schutte et al. ; 1998 ) to measure the EI of the nurses working in the private infirmaries selected. SSEIT was chosen after consideration of several alternate steps of EI, including point EQ- i ( Bar-On, 1997 ) , the ECI ( Boyatzis, Goleman & A ; Rhee, 2000 ) , and the MSCEIT ( Mayer, Salovey, Caruso & A ; Sitarenios, 2003 ) . These steps were non used because they are proprietary and necessitate considerable clip to administrate. On the other manus, SSEIT provides research worker with the ability to hit the informations, does non imply cost for usage of the instrument, and is less time-consuming for the research participants. The SSEIT which besides referred as the Assessing Emotions Scale is a self-report step that measures EI as defined by Salovey and Mayer ( 1990 ) . Schutte et Al. ( 1998 ) conducted a series of surveies to develop the graduated table and to find its cogency and dependability. A factor analysis of more than 60 points suggested a one-factor solution of 33 points. This one-factor solution resulted in scale points stand foring each of the undermentioned three classs: ( 1 ) assessment and look of emotion in the ego and others ; ( 2 ) ordinance of emotion in the ego and others ; and ( 3 ) use of emotions in work outing jobs. However, the most widely used subscales derived from the 33-item SSEIT graduated table are based on factors identified by Petrides and Furnham ( 2000 ) , Ciarrochi, Chan, and Bajgar ( 2001 ) , and Saklofske, Austin, and Minski ( 2003 ) . These factor analytic surveies suggested a four-factor solution for the 33 points. The four factors are described as: ( 1 ) Percept of Emotion ( 10 points ) ; ( 2 ) Pull offing Own Emotions ( 9 points ) ; ( 3 ) Pull offing Others ‘ Emotions ( 8 points ) ; and ( 4 ) Use of Emotion ( 6 points ) ( Ciarrochi et al. , 2001 ) . The SSEIT graduated table has been used and validated in several surveies ( Petrides & A ; Furnham, 2000 ; Schutte, Malouff, Bobik, Coston, Greeson, Jedlicka, Rhodes & A ; Wendorf, 2001 ; Schutte, Malouff, Simunek, McKenley & A ; Hollander, 2002 ; Charbonneau & A ; Nocol, 2002 ) . In add-on, an internal consistence analysis with two different samples showed a Cronbach alpha of 0.90 and 0.87 ( Schutte et al. , 1998 ) . The sample points of this instrument include: â€Å" I find it difficult to understand the gestural messages of other people † for Perception of Emotion ( PE ) , â€Å" When I am faced with obstructions, I remember times I faced similar obstructions and get the better of them † for Pull offing Own Emotions ( ME ) , â€Å" I know when to talk about my personal jobs to others † for Pull offing Others ‘ Emotions ( MOE ) , and â€Å" Some of the major events of my life have led me to re-evaluate what is of import and non of import † for Utilization of Emotion ( UE ) . The SSEIT was rated on a 5-point Likert graduated table as in the original instrument with responses runing from 1 ( strongly disagree ) to 5 ( strongly agree ) . Maslach Burnout Inventory-Human Service Survey ( MBI-HSS )Maslach ‘s Burnout Inventory ( MBI ) is normally used as a research tool in the current literature to mensurate the degree of burnout ( Lee, Ashforth & A ; Bla ke, 1990 ; Kanste, Miettunen & A ; Kyngas, 2006 ; Wu, Zhu, Wang, Wang & A ; Lan, 2007 ) . This survey measured nurse burnout utilizing the 22-item Maslach Burnout Inventory-Human Service Survey, 3rd edition ( MBI-HSS ) ( Maslach et al. , 1996 ) . MBI-HSS steps burnout among employees in human services establishments and wellness attention businesss such as nursing, societal work, psychological science, and ministry in footings of: ( 1 ) Emotional Exhaustion ( 9 points ) ; ( 2 ) Depersonalization ( 5 points ) ; and ( 3 ) Personal Accomplishment ( 8 points ) . The MBI-HSS has sound psychometric belongingss to guarantee dependability and cogency. MBI has demonstrated to hold concept cogency through the analysis of informations from a innovator instrument of 47 points administered to human service forces ( Maslach & A ; Jackson, 1981a ) . Convergent cogency surveies indicate the MBI-HSS graduated tables measure the same concept as other burnout instruments. Correlations of emotional exh austion and depersonalisation with other burnout self-report indexs are high ( rs & gt ; .50 ) , where as correlativities with personal achievement are slightly lower ( rs & gt ; .30 ) ( Schaufeli & A ; Enzmann, 1998 ) . Maslach et Al. ( 1996 ) reported internal consistence of MBI with dependability coefficients as follows: I ± = .90 for emotional exhaustion ( EE ) , I ± = .79 for depersonalisation ( DP ) , and I ± = .71 for decreased personal achievement ( PA ) . Furthermore, the test-retest dependability ranged from moderate to high. The test-retest dependability coefficients were as follows: EE ( .82 ) , DP ( .62 ) , and PA ( .80 ) . Sample points from Emotional Exhaustion ( EE ) subscale include: â€Å" I feel emotionally drained from my work. † Sample points from Depersonalization ( DP ) subscale include: â€Å" I feel I treat some patients as if they were impersonal objects. † Sample points from Personal Accomplishment ( PA ) subscale include: â€Å" I can easy understand how my patients feel about things. † Basically, nurse burnout was measured based on statements that concern feelings or attitudes about one ‘s work and how frequently those feelings occur. The frequence with which the nurses experience each point was measured on a 5-point Likert Scale anchored by Never ( 1 ) and Everyday ( 5 ) . Demographic DataIt is a affair of pick for the research worker whether inquiries seeking personal information of respondents should look at the beginning or at the terminal of the questionnaire ( Sekaran & A ; Bougie, 2011 ) . Harmonizing to Oppenheim ( 1986 ) , some research workers ask for personal informations at the terminal instead than the beginning of the questionnaire. Their logical thinking may be that by the clip the respondent reaches the terminal of the questionnaire, he or she has been convinced of the legitimacy and genuineness of the inquiries framed by the research worker and, therefore, is more inclined and conformable to portion personal information ( Sekaran & A ; Bougie, 2011 ) . On the other manus, research workers who prefer to arouse most of the personal information at the really beginning may speak up that one time respondents have shared some of their personal history, they may hold psychologically identified themselves with the questionnaire, and may experience a committedness to react ( Sekaran & A ; Bougie, 2011 ) . Both these methods of seeking personal information have their pros and cons. For current survey, demographic information of the respondents were requested on the last subdivision of the questionnaire. This portion includes demographic information such as age, gender, cultural group, matrimonial position, old ages of work experience, making, nursing class, and section. The respondents were required to click the appropriate replies. The study questionnaire can be found in Appendix A. The two chief instruments selected for this survey have shown concept cogency and dependability based on old surveies but they have non been tested in the Malayan context. Therefore, the dependabilities of all the instruments and content cogency were tested during the pre-test. The sum-up of the questionnaire with the dislocation of subdivisions and the description of each of the survey instruments is shown in Table 3.1.

Montana 1948 Essay

The story of Montana 1948 tells of a certain struggle which the Hayden family experiences. Larry Watson uses different techniques and language to convey ideas about how powerful the Hayden family is, especially the grandfather Julian and how he alone can do pretty much as he pleases. The story is told from the perspective of a twelve year old boy David. However, it is written many years later which gives the reader a bigger insight into David’s view of what went on. Many themes are raised throughout the novel and many techniques are used to convey different ideas about certain events which are portrayed in the text, one of these being racism. Racism is one of the main themes which is portrayed in the text and is the very reason behind all that happens to the Hayden family throughout the whole ordeal. There are also many different ways in which racism is portrayed throughout the text, some of the characters are for it while others are against it. Watson uses characterisation to convey different ideas throughout the text about racism. He shows how the characters feel about racism, an example is when Julian and Wes are talking about Frank’s treatment of the Indian women, it is when Wes finds out that Julian has known all along about what Frank does to his patients. Julian says ‘You know Frank’s always been partial to red meat. ’ This is a realisation for both the reader and Wes because they find out that Julian shares exactly the same view of the Indian people as his son, thinking of them as animals. Racism is also portrayed in other ways throughout the text. Wes never directly says that he hates the Indian people, but he often hints at the fact that he doesn’t fully approve of them. ‘Nevertheless, he believed Indians, with only a few exceptions, were ignorant, lazy, superstitious and irresponsible. Although these words are not as direct or harsh and Wes doesn’t treat them nearly as bad as Julian and Frank, it is still an indication that Wes is partially racist towards the Indians. Another idea which Watson uses throughout the text to convey the idea of Racism is how Marie Little Soldier acts when Frank goes to the Hayden’s house to treat her when she is sick. She becomes terrified and demands that someone be in the room with her when Frank is there. This behaviour represents how all of the Indian women would have felt either before or after Frank visited them. It is Marie’s fear alone that informs the reader of how little respect Frank has for the Indians and gives a clear picture of how racist he is towards them. Furthermore, Watson uses other characters to give evidence of racism throughout the story. Julian and Frank both think very lowly of the Indians and these characteristics lead them to making actions and decisions which are racist. This is most evident with Frank because the actions he takes are the worst, he is the one commits the raping of the women when he supposed to be treating them as a professional. This racism is not displayed just by Frank however, it is the people around him who provide further evidence that there is racism in the story. Julian and Wes are good examples as they do not use the power which they hold to help resolve the situation or seek Justice. Julian has known about the crimes which Frank commits on his patients and does nothing about it because he thinks of the Indians in the same way, he believes that it is okay to treat them in that way just as Frank does. ‘What the hell am I supposed to think? Screwing an Indian. Or feeling her up or whatever. You don’t lock up a man for that’. Wes also shows support for the racism because of how he deals with Frank and his crimes. Even though he is the Sherriff and it is his job to put Frank behind bars, he refuses to and instead locks him in the basement of his own house, ‘He’ll have to meet his punishment in the hereafter’. Watson also uses characters in the text who are against racism and do not engage in it. David and Gail are the two characters who represent this. They are both strongly against racism and discrimination, this is evident throughout the story and is often the result of conflictions and arguments between the fellow family members. David and Gail have this view because they are the most distant from Julian. Gail was married into the family and therefore had her own views about racism before she was subjected to Julian’s beliefs and David has grown up in a house where his Mum does not believe in racism and his Dad works for the law and therefore knows what is right and wrong. It is because of this that Wes is always stuck in the middle, because he is constantly listening to both sides of the argument and this is why he is forced to arrest Frank but never puts him in jail, because he never fully decides in what he believes in. From reading this text the reader gains a detailed insight to the life of the Hayden family and the tough time which they go through. The reader is informed of what it was like living in Montana in 1948. From what the landscape looked like, to the social issues which took place such as racism and discrimination against certain groups of people. Watson uses the characters to convey the idea of racism between the white and Indian people. It is these characters techniques which gives the reader a perspective of what it was like through the eyes of a twelve year old boy.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

How to Quit Smoking

In this modern era, our lifestyle has been changed over years. The world is now moving toward a very advanced and busy lifestyle. This has significantly brought a lot of changes in our human lives due to the stressful life. People nowadays, adapting to new habit so they could cope up with their stress and one of the main bad habit adapted by them is smoking. Although they know they smoking is injurious to their health, they just do not willing to give up the habit. There are a few ways for the smokers to quit their smoking habit so they can live up a healthy and happy lifestyle.Firstly, the smokers must be determined not to smoke more than limited sticks per day as a beginning towards their quit process. The smokers must not buy extra cigarette for themselves so they could smoke whenever they need to. Smokers also should not let themselves to smoke continuously over a time period because it may pursue them to continue the habit. As for the beginning the smokers should lessen the amou nt of stick they smoking day by day so they can get rid of the habit slowly and gently.Secondly, the smokers must replace the smoking habit with some other good habits so they could be able to control themselves when they getting the sensation to smoke. Habits such as chewing the chewing gum may help the smokers to forget about smoking over time. They may drink as much as water as they could so they wonaâ‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t have the feeling to smoke after or before eating. Fresh juices have the properties of overcoming the sensation on nicotine so they may drink a lot of fresh juice to get rid of the smoking sensation. Thirdly, the smokers may try to involve themselves in more outdoor activities to stay active.They can start up jogging as it is a good exercise for the lungs capacity and durability. They can join any kind of sports clubs so they can fill up their free hours with useful activities. The smokers can enjoy their weekend with their family with any outdoor activities such as va cation so they could spend their quality time with their family. As all of us aware, smoking is not a good habit to be continued and adapted by any of us human being due to its nature of destructing the consumers. So throw the habit away and lead a happy life with your loved ones because the life we have now is a gift from the god for us to enjoy and being happy.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Database in an Organisation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Database in an Organisation - Essay Example This study covers various aspects related to database systems in the BMI healthcare hospital located in the United Kingdom. An analysis of database applications shows that a database system is an integral part of any health care organization. The key functions of a database system are also determined which include recording the relevant data, processing of data, organizing the collected data, and assisting departments of an organization in the different business processes. The result of the study shows that an efficient database system plays a key role in the progress and development of BMI healthcare hospital. 1. Introduction Data or up to date information is of critical importance for any company or organization. It not only plays a key role in the success of an organization but also makes the organizations compete with other firms in a competitive environment. However, companies need to manage the data in an appropriate way in order to make a good use of it. Therefore, information technology professionals have developed database systems, which not only help the organizations manage the data properly but also make the organizational activities efficient and well organized. It is due to the utmost importance of database systems that almost every company or organization of the current business environment has implemented efficient database systems in order to manage data in an organized way. In this paper, we will discuss what database systems are and what role do they play in the success of an organization. 2. What is Database? Before going into the discussion related to databases and their uses in organizations, let us get a better understanding of what database actually is. Date, Kannan, and Swamynathan (2006, p. 6) state, â€Å"A database is basically a computerized record-keeping system†. Database is a record of important data or information, which an organization requires to run different business processes and activities. â€Å"A database can be limited to a single desktop computer or can be stored in large server machines, like the IBM Mainframe† (Satalkar, 2009). Database systems are not like spreadsheets. Some of the functions, which make database systems different from spreadsheets, include retrieval of records that match certain criteria, updating of records in bulk, cross-referencing records in different tables, and performing complex aggregate calculations (Chapple). Database systems help the employees retrieve some specific data from the records. Database systems also help the doctors prepare reports based on recorded data and assist them in performing complex calculations needed to analyze different case histories. 2.1 Types of Databases â€Å"Two of the most popular database systems used by web developers today are MySQL and Microsoft's MS SQL server† (Hobach, 2008). There are various types of databases depending on the structure of data. Some most common types of databases include flat model database , network model database, hierarchical model database, and relational model database. The most commonly used type of database is relational model database. â€Å"In a relational database, information is stored in tables (often called relations) which help organize and structure data† (Martin, 2010). Companies use relational model database not only to store data but also to retrieve it when needed. Data is stored in the form of tables and each record stored in the table can have many fields. Using relational model

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Introduction to the Web Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Introduction to the Web - Coursework Example After the passage of almost two decades, Tim Berners Lee devised a mechanism for individuals to access information at CERN in Switzerland. He developed a new file format hypertext and a new protocol hypertext transfer protocol. The combination of the file format and the protocol became to be known as World Wide Web. The year 1994 marked the launch of the first graphical web browser that increased the popularity of internet. The project that began with the endeavours of few members turned out to be the biggest information storage platform and source of a diverse range of services. The progression of the concept of internet can be evaluated from the fact that there were only 562 hosts till the year 1983, whereas the number of systems arose to 2 million by the year 1993. According to the latest figures from Internet Society (2010) for July 2010, there are 768, 913, 036 hosts on the internet. 2. Contributions of the Internet There has been a significant impact on individuals and societie s, due to the advent of internet. The field of communication has witnessed such great developments that people in one part of the world can be aware of the happenings in the other end. The field of education has also revolutionized to a great extent as it enables the students to attend their class sessions from the vicinity of their choice. The field of business has been made more structured and organized due to the incorporation of information management systems. Earlier, students and researchers had to make uncountable trips to the libraries to find research related to their research domains. The invention of internet has provided an ocean of knowledge for the modern man, where he can get guidance about any field of life. The impact of internet on the society shall be analyzed in detail with the help of some available web applications: 2.1 Email The web application of electronic mail (email) has made two words very important in the modern world: efficiency and speed. Email provide s effective delivery of required content in a low cost manner. The speed of email has reduced the geographical barriers of the world since recipients get emails from senders within seconds, irrespective of the place on the planet. An internet connection has to be possessed by the participants of the email; otherwise there is no cost of sending an email. The conventional modes of delivery (like postal mail, telegram) of messages were dependent on the location of the recipient. It even eliminates the need to possess a stamp or envelope. The effectiveness of the delivery of the email is almost 100% unless the email address is not correct or the recipients email inbox has no space to receive new messages. It is often considered even better than making a traditional phone call since the recipient does not have to be present to receive the email. It saves time of the sender as he does not have to attempt making contact with the recipient several times; the recipient can check the message at his own time and convenience. Email has made life simpler and fast paced. People tend to feel closer to their peers who might be residing thousands of miles away due to the speed of email. A message can be sent to multiple recipients at the same time which also saves times of the sender. Attachments can be sent via emails that may contain word documents, pictures, videos etc. Formal emails serve as professional records of communication between the colleagues and form

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Behaviourism - BF Skinner Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Behaviourism - BF Skinner - Essay Example So as a subject-matter of psychology this theory presents not the subjective world of an individual, but objectively fixated characteristics of an individual' behavior, caused by some external impacts. The followers of behaviorism have stated that the analysis of behavior must be strictly objective and content itself with observation of reactions on the surface. All that is happening inside of an individual cannot be studied as an individual's thoughts and conscience cannot be properly measured or recorded. Therefore nothing but responses and outward actions of a human being, and those stimuli and situations, which determine these reactions, can be researched objectively. According to behaviorists the main task of psychology is to spot the probable stimulus by response, and prognosticate some certain response by stimulus. From the point of view of behaviorism, personality is neither more nor less than a summation of behavioral responses inherent to a given person. Any behavioral response is originated by definite stimulus or situation. The formula 'stimulus - response' has been principal in behaviorism. The law of effect described by Edward Thorndike3 specifies that the connection between S and R becomes stronger if there is some reinforcement.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Critical analysis of research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Critical analysis of - Research Paper Example Especially, play has proved to be a very effective way to understand and treat the children suffering from childhood abuse and trauma. The therapy that uses play as a means to treat people suffering from behavioral and personality problem is called as ‘play therapy’. Play therapy can be defined as â€Å"a helping interaction between a trained adult therapist and a child for the purpose of relieving the child’s emotional distress by using the symbolic communication of play† (Webb, 2007). However, it is important to know that ‘pleasure’ is not the only aspect of play that makes it so effective a method to treat people with behavioral problems. The question is what aspects of ‘play therapy’ make it an effective therapy to treat children suffering from childhood abuse and trauma? Knowing and understanding the aspects of play therapy that makes it effective in treating children suffering from trauma not only will make the treatment effe ctive but also can save a lot of time of treatment. Play therapy (PT) has been used as an effective method to treat children suffering from trauma caused by childhood abuse of sexual and physical nature. According to Mann and McDermott (1983), even though play therapy has been used successfully to treat the emotional and behavioral problems visible in children, a systematic guideline regarding the use of PT to assess and treat the children has not yet been introduced (White & Allers, 1994). Even in the absence of systematic guidelines or large number of studies, the researchers have been successful in understanding those aspects that make PT an effective therapy to treat children suffering from trauma and to build a solid foundation for a healthy and positive growth of their personality in the future. Howard has found that children suffering from childhood abuse and trauma display a specific behavior pattern during the play which reveals a lot about their maladjustments

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Community Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Community Communication - Essay Example Normally, we find ourselves bound to care with one another in a community not only because we readily understand the necessity of survival through interactive relationship but even for the natural truth in historicity where there emerges discernment of historical background that enables one person to gauge the other in terms of a continuing culture they have both lived with though at separate places and time. The mutual respect or concern established toward a cultural or religious tradition, for instance, may hold us within a sensible meaning of community in which while we distinguish individual selves with unique identity to develop for personal growth, we know somewhere from the inner core that our mutuality in beliefs and principles sets us apart from certain degree of plural indifference. Since a community is quite characteristic of norms when it comes to general views or opinions on matters of common interest, we are more likely to form social attitudes and standards based on these norms. Our adherence to a specific standard which is made by the majority in the community eventually becomes or aligns with our own as we give value or judgment to an object or person. Such act of paying someone worth or opinion comes out either just or unjust, hurtful or favorable on the basis of how the former interprets and reacts to the community’s overall perception of him or her. Consequently, the community becomes a ‘sum’ to look at or respond to and in return, it also collects to itself from individual ideas that share similar attributes in order to project a law that almost everyone is drawn to follow in the course of nature. In this regard, thus, communication is hugely significant especially in expressing one’s insights and feelings that would help the community make the necessary adjustment in recognizing the real value of a member or one that is

Value Proposition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Value Proposition - Essay Example For the reason that no company or product was developing a Catalogue app, a Smart Interface Solutions has registered the Catalogue app, a cheap and easy in use and setup mobile Micro Enterprise Resource Planning, the product will be good idea for the small business. The product will be available on any smartphone as a powerful and smart inventory management tool. The interface will use the smartphone technologies such as camera, GPS, accelerometer and Bluetooth. The Catalogue app is a highly adaptable inventory management and tracking app, the primary target audience is the traders and small entrepreneurs focused on the stock management system with the easy interface. While, small enterprises do not have access to he significant finance for specialized hardware, the product will be a solution in this area. In terms of user interface and configurations, they are functionally identical with the larger desktop variants within the same software. The main benefits for the customer is the efficiency, ability to save user’s time, accuracy of the data received, ability to make an analysis of the data and reduction of task repetition processes. In terms of costs, the product will not cost much; customers will be able to train when using the app. It will allow customers to configure and manage their software on the computer of the usual size through the available software. An app will give a possibility to design that information which user wants. Such opportunity is one for the purpose to make Catalogue adaptable to all applications.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Laura Ashley is a global British iconic brand. With reference to Assignment

Laura Ashley is a global British iconic brand. With reference to knowledge management strategies and effective use of technology - Assignment Example Through KM, knowledge is appropriately distributed among every member of the organisation in order to enhance knowledge based productivity (Henczel, 2000). Contextually, it has been observed that since the past few decades a majority of the organisations have begun to emphasise on managing workforce in order to survive in a rapid changing competitive environment. KM primarily focuses on this accelerated changing environment through which organisations can transform their entire activities into ‘knowledge work’ and all of its employees into ‘knowledgeable workers’ (Uriarte, 2008; Fao, 2013). Laura Ashley plc is considered one of the leading United Kingdom based organisation whose operations are primarily based on dealing with designing, distributing, sourcing and selling of apparel items, accessories as well as home furnishing products. In the UK, the company operates with over 211 stores in which 134 stores deal with selling activities of various product cat egories, 54 home stores operates under home furnishing and accessories products and 21 stores act as a gift as well as clearance outlets (Laura Ashley, 2013). The essay intends to discuss the aspect regarding the way Laura Ashley implements KM strategies in order to attain competitive advantages. Additionally, this essay intends to delineate regarding the various approaches of KM strategies which Laura Ashley execute and follow in order to enhance its overall operational performance. Knowledge Audit Link to Strategy Codification Knowledge audit is considered as a systematic and strategic approach towards the dimension of KM by which managers obtain an opportunity to incorporate its diverse operational activities within their organisation. Knowledge audit facilitates to bring efficiency within the productive procedures and also assists to share valuable knowledge amid the internal as well as external shareholders (Botha & Boon, 2003). With the help of well-developed knowledge audit s trategies, an organisation can be able to identify suitable strategic directions in order to improve its knowledge based productivity. The objective of this strategy is to influence an organisation to maintain collaboration, coordination and make more consistent approach towards its goals (Hansen & et. al., 1999; Janicot & Mignon, 2012). In order to understand the role of knowledge codification, it is necessary to evaluate the attributes of the strategic options which are primarily implemented by Laura Ashley. With the aid of the KM strategies, the company can improve its work performance and also identify the sources of competitiveness. By emphasising on knowledge codification strategy, the company’s Information Technology (IT) and Research & Development (R&D) departments play an imperative role for sharing the knowledge production information by which it can instantly access and distribute valuable knowledge amid its team members (Che Pa & et. al., 2012; Laura Ashley, 2013) . Laura Ashley has primarily adopted and follows two major knowledge audit strategies i.e. codification and personalisation which helps the company to improve

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

International business environment Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

International business environment - Case Study Example These changes in the external economic environment meant that McDonald’s had to adapt to the local conditions where shortages were the order of the day, prices were controlled by the government, and inefficiency was the hallmark of the economic system and finally, challenges in procurement of raw materials for its products. Since Russia went through the stages described above, McDonald’s had to reorient its strategy to meet the challenges posed by these changes in the external environment which impacted the operations of its stores in Russia. Further, with price control and rationing of raw materials, McDonald’s had to cope with uncertainty in procurement which pushes up costs but the end user price remains the same for its finished products. Finally, working with government officials presented challenges of its own which meant that the way in which managers at McDonald’s dealt with government officials impacted its operations as well. These are some aspec ts of the external economic environment which impacted the operations of McDonald’s in

Monday, July 22, 2019

Two representations of women Essay Example for Free

Two representations of women Essay When writing literary works most, authors will agree that it is difficult to write a story without any inspiration. The writers will often have some motive, either from past experiences or something that can inspire an idea for a particular story or essay. Although the story or essay can be fictitious it can still change how society feels about a certain issue. The two works The Female Body by Margaret Atwood and The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin romanticizes the view of women in their own opinion, emphasizing ideas such as women being portrayed as common housewives, objects, emotional delinquents, and submissive individuals. The similarities include both authors has their own distinct impression of how women are being depicted in society and the conflicted roles of husbands versus wives or man versus women. The obvious comparison when comparing these two works is the aspect that they are both written by feminist. In The Female Body, Atwood is trying to express her point of view, or sway the readers to understand the properties of the female body. Atwood uses words that she believes society would view the female body. In the first section she refers to the female body as being a topic because it is constantly being talked about. My topic feels like hell. (Atwood 73) Atwood uses her body assuming that all other females feel the same way. Atwood goes and develops the female body as a renewable one luckily (Atwood 75) and that the female body will not always be accepted in society. When the body is young it has uses; It sells cars, beer shaving lotion, cigarettes(Atwood 75). However she mentions that those things wear out so quickly (Atwood 75) She explains that society holds a supernatural image of what the perfect female looks like in their minds. When most women do not satisfy that image they go in search of a renewable look, they can go out and be made of transparent plastic or acquire cosmetics to enhance their beauty, and lose weight to appeal their significant other. (Atwood) When Atwood suggests that the female body is renewable she blames society for making it that way because most females go under the impression that they are designed to look a certain way or please a certain audience. Kate Chopins The Story of an Hour present its readers with Mrs. Mallard, an old lady whose husband supposedly died. In this story the author depicts the common stereotypes that separate men from women, and as the reader progresses they find out that Mrs. Mallard shows an emotional weakness, vulnerability and most importantly dependence. Kate Chopins goal of this story is to suggest to the audience that women are expected to preserve the role that society implies on them. In the early 19th century females were dependant on males to go out and work in order to bring back the necessary money for survival. The female would be a housekeeper nurturing the children and cooking meals- typical qualities for women during those times. However as the story progresses the stereotypes start to diminish. Go away Im not making myself ill (Chopin 92) During the span of the hour Mrs. Mallard went from dependent and fragile to strong and independent when she told Josephine to go away. Additionally to the similarities of the two works exposing the generalization of how women are being expected in society, there is an idea that the authors highlight the importance of the conflicted roles between male and female. Atwoods The Female Body implies that the male brain has a thin connection and all their thoughts are sealed off in each compartment and thats what separates males from females. Good for aiming though, for hitting the target when you pull the trigger. Whats the target? Whos the target? Who cares? What matters is hitting it (Atwood 76) Atwood states that the male shows no emotional comfort in anything he does. Atwood also connects the simplification of the powerful and the powerless. The females body intention is to please the males by being used as a door knocker and a bottle opener. (Atwood 75) Women always try to please the men by using their body and sex appeal. Some advertisements for example show a vivid image of a female in nothing more then a skimpy bikini selling products like beer or cigarettes. In the contemporary world individuals never see the male body used to sell beer. The Story of an Hour also reveals an excellent example of the different roles between males and females, in this case husbands and wives. In this story Mrs. Mallard is tired of being caught doing the chores that her husband  expects her to do; she seeks freedom and liberation. Although death is ought to be a sad time, not all conditions would maintain that statement. For example if someone were suffering horrendously, it would actually be a good thing if he or she died. In the story it shows that Mrs. Mallard died at the end of the story but prior to that event it stated that Mrs. Mallard did actually love her husband, but often she did not. (Chopin 92) The story also suggests that she believed that her husband was frustrated with the marriage and assumed that she was too. This conflict revealed the sign that Mrs. Mallard was struggling for freedom, and when she sees that her husband is alive, she must die. This is the only way to be literally free from his gasp. When she had died of the joy that kills it leaves the reader to wonder about how she had died. Whether from the heart attack or she thought she had finally escaped her husband and is free at last. In conclusion, the similarities of Atwoods The Female Body and Chopins The Story of an Hour both imply the how women are being seen by the eyes of society and the important clashes between how the role of women and men reflect the common stereotypes. Works Cited Atwood, Margaret. The Female Body The Mercury Reader. A Custom publication compiled by Angus Cleghorn. Boston: Pearson 2002. Chopin, Kate The Story of an Hour The Mercury ReaderA Custom publication compiled by Angus Cleghorn. Boston: Pearson 2002.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

A Camping Trip By Bridget Andersen | Short Story

A Camping Trip By Bridget Andersen | Short Story When I say the words breakfast burrito, I bet that an outdoor camping trip in the wilderness doesnt come to mind. My story begins with three friends trying to spend more time together. After several months of heavy duty school, sports obligations, church requirements, and other pressures in their lives, they decided it was time to take a break. One friend wanted to go to Busch Gardens so that she could scream out her frustrations and enjoy the roller coaster rides. Another wanted to go to the beach, where she could relax in the sun and play in the waves. Yet another friend, who was a girl scout, knew the tranquility and solitude of a camping trip. She wanted to go camping in the quiet wilderness of southern Virginia. Therefore, the group of friends put their minds together and came up with a plan for a wonderful camping adventure. They imagined it would be just like the old days when they camped in their back yard, ate kitchen-cooked food, and had the luxuries of the house at their d isposal. They looked forward to a fantastic camping trip of friendship and fun. As the day finally came, it was time to depart. Having spent most of the previous week packing their clothes and supplies, it was a miracle that they could fit all of their provisions in the car. They had even considered strapping a friend to the roof in order to fit in an extra food cooler. Because the trip was going to be long and they wanted to be entertained the whole way, so they also brought their cell phones, DVD players, and snacks to keep them satisfied. When they arrived at the campsite, they expected to see lodges and cabins that had air conditioning and plumbing. What they actually found was far below their expectations. There were no cabins: only small, flat, gravel surfaces on which they were suppose to set up their tents and a charred fire pit, full of leaves, camper trash and other debris. However, this did not dampen the girls spirits; they just got to work unpacking their various supplies from the car. The only trouble that they encountered while setting up camp was pitching the tent. The Girl Scout borrowed the tent from her brother, who was a boy scout. On his many trips the instructions for setting up the tent became water stained and ripped so that the words and diagrams were incomprehensible. None of the girls had much experience setting up a tent so they just had to try their best. When they were done, the tent could stand by itself, but it looked nothing like the tent on the front of the package in which it came. There was also a piece of cloth leftover for which they could not find a use. The girls dismissed these observations and figured that if the tent stood, it was good enough for them. After setting up camp, the three friends decided to go for a relaxing hike to a nearby lake, where they would go for a canoe outing. Unfortunately, one of the campers had forgotten to bring a water bottle. She also happened to be in horrible physical condition. Because of her condition, the short hike to the waterfront became very challenging, as the two campers urged and eventually supported their friend. After resting for a short while at the waterfront, the girls found enough energy to push off the canoes into the water. While doing this, one girl accidentally stepped onto a muddy rock and fell head first into the water. She rose from the lake looking like a wet dog, but she was still good-natured with a smile on her face. The three friends sat there and laughed until they were having trouble breathing. Then they went out on the water. For a while, they explored the shores and docks around the lake. However, due to their exhaustion and poor paddling skills, the canoe flipped over. Again, the friends found some smile in this experience and had fun climbing back into the canoe. Eventually, the friends decided that it was time to finish their canoe outing, and they made their way back to camp. After an afternoon of fun on the water, they had built up quite an appetite. On arrival at the campsite, however, they were in for a very big surprise! The local camp raccoon, Joe Raccoon as he was widely known, had outsmarted them by sneaking into their camp in broad daylight while they were away on their canoeing trip and getting into their food, bins, and buckets! As they looked over the supplies, they found half-eaten fruit pies, opened containers of coffee grounds, missing popcorn kernels, sandwich makings thrown about, and tons of empty candy wrappers. At one point, one of the campers happened to catch a brief glimpse of Joe Raccoon as he scampered away from the campsite with an enormous belly, fingers full of goodies, and wearing a mischievous grin. The girls sat in a circle in great dismay wondering what they were thinking when they had decided to go camping. W ithout food, empty-stomached, exhausted, and frustrated, this camping trip was turning into a not-so-fun outing. Moreover, it was only early afternoon. Even after they arduously cleaned up the campsite, they were still soaked from their dip in the lake. Since the girls had packed a surplus of clothes, they decided that they could risk using up another outfit in order to get dry. However, when they got inside the tent, they all screamed at the sight to behold. There were bugs and spiders of every shape and size crawling around in their sleeping bags. Lions and tigers and bugs, oh my! They had forgotten to close the tent flap when they left for their canoe trip! Rather than going into the tent, they decided that it would be better to remain in their wet clothes than face the creepy crawlies. Eventually they drew straws to decide who would sweep out the tent. What a horrible decision the canoeing trip was turning out to be! They were hungry and miserable and decided to cook dinner over the fire with the supplies that Joe Raccoon had left behind. Maybe their clothes would dry off beside the fire too? They had planned on making spaghetti and meat sauce. None of them envisioned how hard it would be to cook it. They had to make sure that the grate that they placed over the fire was the right distance away, that the heat from the fire was evenly spaced out, and that they did not spill the hot water on themselves. After a while, they finally succeeded in putting the noodles on the fire and letting it stew. However, none of them had ever cooked spaghetti before and they did not know that you have to stir it continuously. As a result, when they took the spaghetti out of the pot, it was clumped at the bottom and burned in such a way that it was inedible. The girls had to satisfy their hunger with the Cheerios and fruit that they had planned on eating in the morning. They finished their meager dinner in silence a nd then grumpily went to bed. Yelling and snapping at each other the whole time. This camping trip was causing more stress than they had originally planned. The next morning two of the girls woke up to find that it had rained in the middle of the night. Their tent was completely soaked, and they were practically swimming in the water that was lining the bottom of the tent (they forgot to put their rain jacket on when they pitched the tent). However, after they got over their frustration with the dampness, they opened their tent and smelled the tantalizing aroma of à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦..Potatoes, oh for the love of potatoes! After being hungry and cold all night, the warm, delicious scent of the potatoes was like heaven to their noses! Visions of mashed and baked potatoes danced in their heads. They quickly went in search of the source and found the remaining girl (who was the Girl Scout) cooking hash browns on the fire. She had set up a table that was already filled with scrambled eggs, cheddar cheese, sour crà ¨me, salsa, and warm tortillas. The Girl Scout greeted them and told them that she was making one of her traditional camping foods: breakfast burritos. They nodded and sat down in folding chairs by the fire. They sang and laughed around the fire while the Girl Scout finished roasting the potatoes. The fire crackled and gave off warm waves of heat that the girls savored. When the girl was done cooking, she put the potatoes on the table, and the girls filled their own burritos with the main ingredients along with sour crà ¨me, onions, and salsa in order to make it more flavorful and sat down at the campfire again. At first, the other campers were wary. What if the burritos ended up being a mistake like the rest of their camping trip? But as they watched the other girl dig in, the warm smell of the food overpowered their sense of caution, and they each took a bite. The burrito was fantastic! The potatoes were cooked to golden-brown perfection, and the eggs were simmered just right so that the combination was incredible! The breakfast burritos awakened their five senses. They could see the golden brown potatoes and the yellow of the perfect eggs. They could feel the nice crispy warmth of the tortilla in their hands and the soft feel of the potatoes and eggs as they took each bite. They could still smell the scent of the potatoes, but now it was joined with the satisfying smell of the eggs and onions, mixing together to create the ultimate aroma. They closed their eyes and heard the sound of satisfaction as the other girls enjoyed their own burrito. The burritos tasted like no other food on earth. The combination of all the ingredients created the perfect blend of flavors. Each girl gobbled up two burritos in a flash. Once they were full and content, they all sat around the campfire and eventually took a nap. They woke up and started packing up their things. They had much less to pack, thanks to Joe Raccoon. Once they were done, they set out on the road again. While driving home, the friends reflected on their short camping trip and decided that it wasnt that bad. The breakfast burritos that day had definitely brightened the trip! Plus, it was a good experience for them. Next time they went on a camping trip, they would know what to watch out for so that they would not make the same mistakes that they made this year. They even considered coming back next year to the same place! If they did, then they would certainly remember to eat breakfast burritos! Breakfast Burritos*: Things You Will Need: 1 box hash browns Salt and pepper Garlic powder 8 eggs Oil and butter 8 oz shredded cheddar cheese Sour cream Salsa 14 flour tortillas A pan A spatula Procedure: Put oil in a pan to prevent the food from sticking to the sides. Place hash browns and butter into the pan and cook them over the fire until they start to brown. Flip them every once and in a while to make sure that they dont burn. Scramble eggs and add to hash browns. Continue to cook and flip until all solid. Add salt and pepper to taste and cook until done. Place in heated tortilla. Add cheese, sour cream, and salsa in the burrito (optional). *I received this recipe from: Carrie Clark, leader of Girl Scout troop 2659

Bidding for Event Management

Bidding for Event Management Background/Context Western Australian Football League (WAFL) was first established in 1885 and is based in Perth, Western Australia. WAFL is partnered with the seven network and sponsored by McDonalds. WAFL currently has nine teams competing in a 24 rounds season which commences in March and concludes in September each year. The 2017 grand final will be played on the 23rd September at the Domain in Perth. The celebrity singer proposed to perform four of her most popular songs at the 2017 grand final is the RB and pop singer Jessica Mauboy. Jessica Mauboy will also attending the pre-event activities including meet and greet and promotional events. Jessica Mauboy is one of Australias most successful female artists that rose to fame after competing on the television program Australian Idol. Attendance at WAFL has dropped in recent times however the largest crowd was during the 2010 grand final with 24,638 spectators. Jessica Mauboy popularity will be utilised to not only promote the WAFL but to increase a ttendance of spectators with a maximum capacity of 43,500. The event will be televised on the seven network and broadcast throughout western Australia on several radio stations. Executive Summary The following report indicates on how the event WAFL- Western Australian Football League, will deliver the celebrity performance. The event of music concert will take place in the WAFL stadium only, before and along with the matches. Taking place in Perth on 23rd of September 2017, the WAFL will have a huge amount of spectators. The celebrity will be invited to add an extra buck of fun along with the increase in the number of spectators. The report draws the attention towards the information on who that celebrity is going to be, and all the related tasks those would be included in hiring the celebrity. Along with this, the report includes the information on what is it going to cost to hire the celebrity and conduct the whole event, while taking the safety and quality into considerations. The main problems and their solution will also be discussed in the following report, moreover the further considerations to the risks involved and their ultimate solutions are also included in the report. Along with this information, the report also reflects the detailed information on other minor and sub-projects those are going to be dependent upon this project. The report evaluates every possible aspect related to the event and the event related persons or stakeholders. Objectives The objective of the project is to win the bid for the logistics, event management and coordination for the event at the 2017 WAFL Grand Final. Once achieved, the objective is to organise a smooth-running successful event with Jessica Mauboy performing at the WAFL Grand Final. Another objective is to increase the maximum number of attendance which is within budgets and satisfies all stakeholders needs and expectations. Target Outcomes The target is to sell at least 85% of capacity which is 36,975 tickets sales. This can be measured on the total attendance rate. The target is to meet budgets and success can be measured on the actual expenditure vs. budgeted costs. The goal is to achieve at least 100% satisfaction rate in regards to the entertainment. This goal can be measured through customer surveys and data can be captured from any complaints. How will the success of the project be measured? Customer Satisfaction Within the budget Deliver on time Output(s) Successful and profitable event Excellent time management Planning and executing event in such a way that guest enjoy being at the event Proper management of manpower (to be investigated further) Governance: who is going to be responsible if the event fail? The WAFC attempted a complete audit of its administration techniques to guarantee that best practice frameworks and procedures were consolidated in basic leadership. Commissioners roles and duties Board execution and performance Committees Terms of Reference Delegation of Powers and Authority Approvals HR/Football/Finance Policies Football related contracts and rules register Integrity issues and procedures Review of the WAFC Constitution Key competition has additionally been surveyed and corrected including: WAFL Rules Regulations WAFL Funding Agreement Updating integrity requirements into WAFL and other competitions Reporting Requirements To be investigated Resources TheWestern Australian Football league will be administrated by the not-for-profit association Western Australian Football Commission. The event production company LUX will oversee the artists performance in the WAFL Final. Until 2015 the insurance company AAMI was one of the main sponsors of the WAFL and nowadays McDonalds is the current sponsor of the Western Australian Football league. Supporting the WAFL, McDonalds will sponsor the artists performance. Artists Performance Sponsors: LUX event production company will oversee: Design of the event, which includes marketing. Filming and editing Stage designer. Technical production materials 3 big led screens in the scenario (Left side, right side and behind the artist). Equipment for media server. Operational and controlling lighting system. Sound production. Sound equipment. Microphones. Stage. Backstage (Marquee tent, tables, chairs, sanitary and electrical facilities) Budget Budget To be investigated Stakeholders Communication strategy Objective is to have a transparent and open communication with stakeholders throughout the project life cycle. Communication Plan Six months prior to the event, the event management team will communicate the purpose, objective and share the event management plan with key stakeholders. Direct feedback will be gather from key stakeholders through emails, phone calls and face to face meetings. If required, the project plan will be adjusted or amended to ensure that majority of stakeholders are satisfied and the changes will be communicated. Three months prior to the event the promotional activities will be established and commence through liaising with the marketing sponsors and advertising will be through radio announcements and competitions, and advertisements on social media such as Facebook and Instagram. One month prior to the event, the project team will communicate with key stakeholders on any further changes and how well the marketing campaign is progressing. One week prior to the event, the project team will communicate with the stakeholders the expected attendance numbers and report on the success of the promotional activities. One week after the event, the project team will provide the sponsors with a report on the event and communicate to all stakeholders the overall success of the event. Stakeholders Project Management Team Jessica Mauboy Sony Music Australia Domain Venue Managers Spectators Volunteers Backstage Staff Football Players Makeup Artist/Hair Dresser Sound Engineer Security Sponsors Media Seven Network KIX Country digital 107.3 HFM 91.3 SportsFM 720 ABC Perth ABC Grandstand Digital Fox FM Kix Digital HFM Assumptions and Constraints 2010 WAFL Grand Final was the largest crowd. The final was between Swan Districts and Claremont at Domain Stadium. Celebrity Performance Jessica Mauboy 50K-80K Flights Sydney -Melbourne $439 Melbourne-Sydney $439 Qantas airline Flexible flights Accommodation Length of stay: 6 days (19th September 2017- 24th September 2017) Rendezvous Hotel Melbourne: $760 (5 nights) Food Budget approx.$1500 (6 days) Security MA Security Group Budget: To be investigated. Celebrity Background Second place in Australian Idol I Am World Tour Beyonce and Chris Brown F.A.M.E tour participation. Ricky Martin mentor in The Voice programme Ambassador for the Indigenous Boxing clash event interpreted the Australian Anthem Artists performance songs: Pop a bottle (Fill me up) (Beginning) Burn Inescapable (Youngboyz Mix) Running back ft Flo Rida (Final) WAFL FINAL ATTENDANCE Year Attendance 2009 22,738 2010 24,638 (largest attendance) 2011 15,459 2012 18,612 2013 20,008 2010 WAFL Grand Final was the largest crowd. The final was between Swan Districts and Claremont at Domain Stadium. The total capacity of Domain Stadium is 43500 spectators. The final will be with both or either Swan Districts or Claremont It is expected to overweight the largest attendance in 2010.Jessica Mauboy performance in the grand final will be done to achieve 35,000 spectators. McDonalds and Coca-Cola tickets available in different stores will incentive WAFL grand final sales. Taking approach of the singer boom will be possible achieve attendance goal. Constraints; Budget constraints. Experience and knowledge. Lack of information about past WAFL gran finals. Time for event creation. Major Risks Minimisation Strategies Risk Register Risk Consequences Likelihood Treatments Options/Mitigation Plan Person responsible for implementation Overwhelmed crowd Personal Injury High Permanent volunteers and staff looking after the spectators Western Australian Football Commission Disturbance inside and outside the stadium Personal Injury Low Pre-event, during and post-event police control Western Australian Football Commission Celebrity unable to perform Financial loss and public trust loss Medium Playback due to sickness, performance of another artist due to cancellation. Event board Sound failure Harm to reputation of business community in charge of the sound Medium Sound engineer after and during the event, sound check 2 days after the event, extra sound equipment. Event board Electrical failure Harm to reputation of business community in charge of the electricity Medium Electrical engineer after and during the event, Lights and electricity check 2 days after the event, extra electrical equipment. Event board Communication failure Harm to reputation of business community in charge of the communications Medium Communication staff after and during the event, communication procedures and equipment check 2 days after the event, extra electrical equipment. Event board Extreme weather events. Personal injury and financial loss Low Forecast weather examination prior event. Event board, Western Australian Football Commission Explosion Personal injury and financial loss Low Trained staff able to manage incidents before, during and after the event. Complete evacuation plan approved by the corresponding authorities Western Australian Football Commission Risk Management Event description WAFL Final Date: 23rd September 2017 Time: 2.30pm Venue: Domain Stadium, Perth Location; Perth, Western Australia Running schedule: Colts game kicks: 8.40am Reserves: 11.20am Performance time: 2.00 pm Final league: 2.30pm Issues Management Issues related to the event are to be identified and manage before and at the time of the event. Some of the major issues that should be managed are as follows: Issues related to sponsors Conflicts between staff team Crowd control and security Barriers and concert crowd control Health and safety issues Medical and first aid Restriction on tobacco and smoking during the event Emergency management Management of alcohol Drug related issues Related Projects The following section includes the sub projects those are related to this event in any way. The colts and reserve matches The grand prix finals Guidelines/Standards The main purpose of guidelines is to identify basic standards and measures for organizing an event to satisfy authorities such as government, police department, emergency service organizations and the stakeholders. Guidelines and standards is necessary to satisfy authorities and provide a consistent state-wide approach to event. Quality Control This section of the report will be one of the most important aspect. As this is the only section from where this can be recognized that how efficient the system is going to be designed. The review on how the things are going on so far, would be collected from different sources at different times throughout the whole project. This will allow the managers and event organizers on where they are perfect and where they need to put on more efforts. Basically the quality control is the inspection, testing and checking of the product that we are working on, where the prime moto is to check if something is not okay and then to fix the problems.(Jane Bennett) A few of the sources of these reviews can be: The spectators The event organizers The volunteers The celebrity himself The inspection teams The media Online reviews (Facebook and other social medias) Capturing the lessons Learnt Did we meet the budget? Have we stick to our schedule? Have we had enough time? Actions and decisions taking during the monitoring and controlling stage Is money sufficient Did event run smoothly? Enough Marketing Do we have the right team? Manage Human Resources through KPIs (key performance Indicator) Project Activities and Milestones Project activities and milestones can be divided into 5 phases Phase 1-Pre event approval and application This phase includes all the activities in planning process that enables an event to be held in a safe and proper manner. Approval from the celebrity , sponsors and relevant stakeholders with signed contract Developing a budget The budget should be specific, and include revenue opportunity (sponsorship, ticket sales, donations etc.) as well expenses such as printings, permits, insurance, speakers, food supplies and security. Along with this we also need to plan for the unexpected budget to be on the safer side. Marketing campaign Pre-ticket sales Procurement of necessary equipment Phase 2- Load In This phase includes all the pre event physical activities, delivery and construction of infrastructures and equipment necessary for the event. Setting up a stage, sound systems, lighting systems etc. Arrival of the celebrity Phase 3- Event This phase includes all the aspects from when the crowd starts queuing outside for entry until the last person leaves. Phase 4- Load Out This comprises the breakdown of facilities, clean-up , pack up and departure of the celebrity. Phase 5- Post event reporting An event reporting should be carried out with all the relevant stakeholders. Following the event debrief there should be an evaluation of the event to determine its overall success in terms of minimizing risks and avoiding harm, accidents and disturbances.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Dystopia in Fahrenheit 451 :: Fahrenheit 451 Essays

Dystopia in Fahrenheit 451 Just by reading the first few lines of the opening paragraph of Fahrenheit 451, we get the feeling of a dystopia right away. Firemen burning books, instead of putting out fires that start in homes. Who ever heard of that? <AVOID USINING QUESTIONS, THEY WAEKEN THE PAPER.> This is crazy thinking right off the start, yet Bradbury carries us through as if we are travelers to this time and place. We are the unseen eyes that see the cataclysmic events that turn Guy Montag's life upside down. We watch him rise, then fall, then meet with outsiders like himself. We watch, how fugitives are tracked down using a mechanical dog, and how people love to watch the chase on their "off the wall" television sets. Could this be how Bradbury thinks our society is going to turn into? Maybe not as drastic, but maybe the censorship could happen, couldn't it? <I WAS UNDER THE IMPRSSION THAT THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A FORMAL PAPER, NOT AN OPINION PAPER.> Ray Bradbury is compared to Arthur C. Clarke as a "poetic science fiction writer" (Watt). This is so, because Bradbury takes a more elegant path to laying out his dystopia. People in his story are so into the now, and pleasure for the moment, that they forget the morals and ethics they came from, because they are clouded by smoke. <EXPLAIN WHAT YOU MWAN BY SMOKE.> Take for instance the wall-sized televisions. This became the populace's way of interacting with others without physically interacting with them. People on FURTURISTIC TELEVISION were your "family", who would keep you company and be your "friend". Still, a place where books were burned and houses were supposedly "fireproof", you have to admit this world is out of whack.<THIS SENTANCE IS SLANG AND MEANS VERY LITTLE.> If we look at Montag's wife for instance, we see how entrenched people have become AND just WANT TO BE happy,t carrying NONE for what happens to the ideas that are in books. I thin k Bradbury is trying to tell us not to rely TOO heavily on technology or it will consume us. In the future we may take books for granted, because they are the essence of free speech, and free ideologies. By HAVING the books burned, people forget, and have nothing to trace back, only leaving what is THE PRESESNT REALITY.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Leonardo Pisano :: essays research papers

Leonardo Pisano   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I researched a scientist or rather a mathematician that made contributions to his discipline such that they have affected a majority of the people that have lived on this earth since his time. His name is Leonardo Pisano. It is hypothesized that Leonardo was born in the town of Pisa which is in modern day Italy circa 1170. Leonardo moved at a young age with his father to a town in northern Algeria. Leonardo’s father held a diplomatic post where his job was to represent the merchants of the republic. At a young age Leonardo worked with numbers learning the in and outs of accounting and balancing books. In Algeria and other countries that he visited with his father he learned different numbering systems and how they had advantages to the one that he grew up with. In Algeria from the Arabs he learned the base 10 system and was responsible to spreading this system across Europe which in turn was spread across the world and is now the most widely used number sys tem (Connor 1998). Most people today know Leonardo by his nickname Fibonacci.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  By the turn of the century Fibonacci had returned to Italy and began to write texts. He wrote on number theory, geometry, algebra, and documented problems and proofs. Fibonacci lived before the printing press had been invented and all copies of his books had to be had written copies from his own hand written copies. Today we still have four of his books; Liber abaci (1202), Practica geometriae (1220), Flos (1225), and Liber quadratorum.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  According to an article by Keith Devlin, Executive Director of the Center for the Study of Language and Information at Stanford University, Fibonacci’s first book Liber abaci is â€Å"the book that gave numbers to the western world†. Fibonacci was born in the Roman Empire and therefore was taught in his youth the Roman numeral system which is very limiting when one wants to calculate complex equations. As mentioned earlier Fibonacci traveled extensively in northern Africa with his father where he learned the base ten system from the Arabic people who in turn learned it from the people of India who developed it sometime in the first millennium. In his book Liber abaci or â€Å"The Book of calculation† he documented the system in detail that he learned from the Arab traders including its efficiency in performing arithmetic (Delvin 2002).

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Climate Change Denial and the Media Essay -- Global Warming Cover-Up, 2

"The pace of global warming is accelerating and the scale of the impact is devastating. The time for action is limited - we are approaching a tipping point beyond which the opportunity to reverse the damage of CO2 emissions will disappear." -- Eliot Spitzer "Global warming isn't a prediction. It is happening." -- James Hansen Climate change, specifically in reference to C02 Emissions released by human use of fossil fuels and their consequential effects on the environment, is perhaps one of the most pressing issues we, not just as Americans, but as human beings face in our lifetimes. Though it may sound like a sensationalist statement the facts are hard to deny. In May of 2013, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) reported that atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide surpassed 400 parts per million (ESRL Global Monitoring Division News Items). Experts in this field estimate that a â€Å"safe level† of atmospheric C02 concentration is around 350 million parts per million (400 Ppm CO2: What It Means). It should also be noted that the last time the Earth had this level of carbon dioxide in its atmosphere was 3 million years ago when it is estimated that sea levels were around 80 feet higher (Prinn).Yet despite these circumstances climate change represents just 1% of all media headlines (Project for Improved Environmental Coverage). Entertainment, which makes for 3% of headlines, received three times the coverage of environmental issues (Project for Improved Environmental Coverage). When the environment does in fact receive such scarce coverage, the issue of climate change is often times covered under a guise of false objectivity. A valid argument can be made that the media has failed the public on the i... ...tical Space Association, n.d. Web. 08 Dec. 2014. Kaplan, Joel. Objectivity & Balance: Today’s Best Practices in American Journalism. Publication. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Dec. 2014. Kovach, Bill, and Tom Rosenstiel. The Elements of Journalism: What Newspeople Should Know and the Public Should Expect. New York: Crown, 2001. Print. Prinn, Ron. â€Å"400 Ppm CO2? Add Other GHGs, and It’s Equivalent to 478 Ppm.† Oceans at MIT. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 6 June 2013. Web. 09 Dec. 2014. â€Å"Project for Improved Environmental Coverage.† Project for Improved Environmental Coverage. Project for Improved Environmental Coverage, n.d. Web. 09 Dec. 2014. Eliot Spitzer Quote James Hansen Quote

Barack Obama: The Audacity of Hope

The words â€Å"The Audacity of Hope† comes from Obama’s 2004 Democratic Convention keynote address. Much of the book deal with Obama’s policy positions on a number of issues, from health care to the occupation of Iraq. In this book, Obama criticizes the existing policy positions of the Bush government, and tries to reconcile political differences based on the twin principles of respect and statesmanship. There are several issues that Obama discussed in the book. The first issue is about racial discrimination. Obama rejects the notion that the United States is divided into politically racial spheres.Obama argues that the so-called ‘racial divide’ is a social construction – hence, cannot be immersed in policy-making. The personal attributes of people, according to Obama, should not become a hindrance to their own development. The second issue is rather unusual for the common reader. Obama rejects the ‘either – or formulationsâ€⠄¢ as a matter of policy. Here, he is referring to George W. Bush absolutists’ foreign policy that does not take into consideration alternatives. Obama provides a general background of such policy in the 60’s.According to Obama, the admission of African-Americans, minorities, and women to full citizenship had greatly undermined the power of the racial majority. What had developed was a system of grudge that, even today, manifests itself in government, business, education, and defense. The unity of the American nation had been greatly undermined. Obama argues that the only means to restore that unity is towards reconciling political differences. Although this is difficult to achieve, the price of success far outweighs the short-run costs.Obama’s idea of national unity transcends race, creed, and political differences. His idea of unity resembles that of Martin Luther King. Much of Obama’s thoughts on foreign, military, and domestic policies are a general t riangulation of liberal and conservative ideas – probably a way to appease both liberals and conservatives in society as Tony Blair did. In any case, his ideas about national security are much more enlightened than that of Bush. Obama’s argues that war in Iraq was a misguided war on the basis that it increased the associated risks to the United States.It did not put an end to terrorism, rather magnified it threefold. Tolerance, according to Obama must be observed in domestic and foreign policies. This is the only way to achieve an everlasting peace. The thesis of the book is: Unity of the American nation transcends race, creed, and politics, and the way to achieve peace is tolerance. For an intelligent reader, this thesis is something more of a vague statement. It does not attempt to give specific solutions to specific problems. There is no evaluation of alternatives.It is even possible to argue that Obama’s thesis is a coagulation of his political motives †“ a desire for higher political office. In any case, unlike his predecessors, Obama’s attempts to give a general view of American policies are generally unbiased and to some extent open-ended. Much of his enthusiasm of a possible end of conflict in Iraq is generally based on the hopes of a policy-shift – whether a Republican or Democrat is elected to the White House. Here, one can see that Obama’s audacity in intellectual leadership in his party exceeded that of George W. Bush.One can therefore argue that even if Obama’s thesis is a motherhood statement, it is in fact a radical alternative of the conservative-either-or policies of the Bush administration. Here, one sees the views of both a rising politician and a ‘dreamer of the 1960s. ’ Again, the specification of Obama’s thesis is still problematic, even though it carries a very meaningful radical policy-shift. In any case, there is no end to the question, â€Å"Is unity a long-ru n possibility? † Reference Obama, Barack. 2006. The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream. New York: Crown.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Culture Clash in “Two Kinds” and “Dead Mans Path” Essay

The burnish shock in dickens kinds occurs amid Amy sunburn who has become the Statesnized and her drive who is yet genuinely much under Chinese mould. Amys mum believes strongly in The Ameri earth-closet DreamMy bring believed you could be anything you treasured to be in AmericaShows the whacking amount of Aspiration and hope in her m new(prenominal)s mind to the highest gradation the future for Amy. Her mother continues the vagary that Amy could be a star in America when she saysYou can be exceed anything non save does the statement reflect her ambitions for Amy and dogmas however alike her broken English represents that she is still very much Chinese. Amy takes a contumacious stance when her hair cut goes wrong, and claims she likes it as it was non what her mother cherishedI liked the haircut it made me envision frontwards to my future fameThe joint non only shows her rebellious cheek tho also that she believes what her mother has said around macroco sm famous. Amys stacks be channelise with a degree of mockery in macrocosm what her parents wanted her to beI was filled with a sense I would currently become perfectThe italics in the invent represent the irony of it and also the sealed amount of insecurity Amy flavors. Amys mother is also ironic to a degree although she may non mean to beSearching for stories about remarkable tiddlerrenThe irony continues as Amy is not remarkable, and her mother thinks she can be.The fact Amy is not remarkable is brought up when she is asked to recall what she recovers from a page in the bible.Now Jehosophat had riches and honor in abundance. Thats all I remember maThe give voiceology shows that Amys memory is curt and she is not exceptional.Amy soon begins to dislike her mother methods of turn outing to turn her into a child prodigy, and the polishs start to concussion as Amys mum still believes that she can be, but the Americanized Amy starts to dislike it.I hated the tests, th e raised hopes and failed expectationsThis shows Amys dislike of her mothers methods, and the feeling that she has failed again and again. Amy then begins her tumult in her feeling that she wont be who shes not.I promised myself, I wont be what Im notThis shows Amys determination to pull round against her mothers will and not become a prodigy. The view that a Chinese miss could succeed in American is brought bum to her mum three months after when she protrudes a little Chinese girl compete a forte-piano on TV when Amy defends the girl her mother takes the handed-down view that she isnt trying and thats w herefore shes failingNot the best because youre not tryingThe word emphasiss the mothers feelings towards her daughter as in traditional Chinese polish it must be the childs fault.The culture clash is emphasized when Amy refuses to rehearse properly for her action and plays badly as a result her mum is late a shame as she has in Chinese terms at least shamed the famil ys name her father shares a similar viewHe saysThat was something elseIn ambiguous phrase, her mum has a look on her face which rattles Amy and brings home what shes doneBut my mothers expression was what devastated me a quiet blank look that said she had bemused everythingThe phrase is force playful as her mum had lost everything, and Amy was her last hope.Her mum continues her methods of Chinese belief a few days later when in an argument she shouts at Amy on the basis that daughters in China are obedientOnly one grapheme of daughter can live in this house, obedient daughterThis is one of the to a greater extent important lines as it really shows the Chinese culture that children should be obedient and Amy is not. Amys American beliefs and nature are brought up when she saysFor unlike my mother I did not believe I could be anything. I could only be meThis emphasizes the fact she is not a traditional Chinese daughter the way her mum wants her to be or else she has her own beli efs and lifestyle.The first line of bushed(p) Mans racecourse emphasizes a culture clash, as the headmasters name is Michael Obi. Michael creation a occidental name. So he obviously has western influence. And his clash begins with his viewsHe was outspoken is his condemnation of the narrow views of these honest-to-goodness and often less educated onesMichael is faultfinding of the older generation, which is probably a western influence but in or so Nigerian towns the elders are to be respect screening a clash between his and African views.His ideas and views are summarized and appear to be the opposite of the settlement in which the groom is situated when he saysEverything will be young and delightful..The word moderne is italicized to show that it is the opposite of the current village and the change Michael Obi wants to create.Michael also well-tried to disassociate himself with the local anaesthetics, and impart himself sound better.Weve got a chance to show these people how a school should be caterShows not just disassociation in the phrase these people but arrogance, in believe he can show them how to run a school.Michaels western influence is also shown in the plants which are put around schoolBeautiful hibiscus and allamanda hedges both(prenominal) the plants are traditionally western showing Michael wishes to westernize the school.Michaels amazement at the actions of the locals also shows his intolerance for both local traditions and respect for the oldHe was scandalized to see and old women hobble estimable crosswise the compoundThe phrase scandalized shows just how stupid(p) he is that the event has occurred it also shows his feelings about tradition, that it needs to be removed. To be replaced by his modern ways.Michael then shows his ignorance to their culture by separating the incident and the school and exclaimingAnd what has that got to do with the school?The phrase is both conventional and patronizing and shows his ignorance in thinking that the cardinal should be divided and religion/culture should be kept away from schools.The priest when talking to Michael has a feeling of power and looks down on Michael.Look here my sonThe priest uses this opening phrase to create a feeling of lower rank to Michael he also bangs his stick on the ground to emphasize his point. Michael responds to the whole intercourse in a very supreme way,Our duty is to teach your children to laugh at such ideasShows his intolerance towards the priests and villages beliefs, and shows how he plans to change traditional ways.The conversation later grinds to a halt with neither parting with their ideas or cultureI have no more lyric to sayShows the priest has been defeated by ignorance, and that the conflict between the cultures will not be resolved.Both stories have culture clashes neither ending with particularly bright endings, until now I feel that in bushed(p) Mans row the culture clash is more serial forward in that i t is traditional against modern. However two kinds is slightly more composite as at first Amy seems to be trying to be traditional and try hard where as Michael never wanted any sort of tradition right from the start. Both culture clashes involve arguments and vocal disagreements, and some degree of action.Amy ruining her piano piece in Two Kinds and the Michael jam off the path in Dead Mans Path. These are followed up by more action from the other culture Amys mum continues to make Amy learn claiming she could still be a prodigy whilst the villagers tear the school apart. In Dead Mans Path it is an antithesis however I feel that Two Kinds is less so and the ideas are more intertwining however I still feel there is a large culture clash. In both stories however it is eliminate to see that both traditional and modern views find it hard to live side by side.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Types of Courage to Kill a Mockingbird

Types of Courage to Kill a Mockingbird

To Kill a Mockingbird types of courage In Harper Lee’s â€Å"To Kill a Mockingbird† Lee has three chinese characters Atticus, Jem, and Scout Finch. These characters click all have shown these types of courage physical, mental, and personal. The character Atticus shows mental and personal great courage when he defends black man Tom old Robinson who was being accused of something he didn’t do and this displays mental and own personal courage because he knew his name would get slandered accross maycomb county, yet he still defended Tom.Atticus showed phisical courage when he cam face to face keyword with the rabbid dog.The storyline of the film is depending upon the publication.This portion demonstrates his phisical courage.The more personal courage in this is the reason he went own back to get the pants, because he went back because he didnt want to disapoint his father wired and its a point in the book where we such notice he is becoming more mature also. Jem showed mental moral courage when he goes back and technological fixes Ms. Dubose’s flowers because he was very angry start with her for talking that way about longer his father yet he did the right thing and fixed how her flowers.Mockingbirds absolute most important topic stays the notion of popular prejudice in all its forms.

Being a famous singer has been a dream of mine.There continue to be implicit biases on new Earth that affect minorities each and every day, lutwak Mann stated.Valued and the innocent ought to be protected.Courage is a real hard thing for folks to do.

Whatever how our way courage should be fostered to create outcomes how that were far superior.Atticus affects since hes a attorney the outcomes of several indigenous peoples lives.Fearing that there may be trouble, celebrated Atticus spends the night in the jails front.Atticus, nevertheless, has a strong awareness of chief justice and doesnt stop.

Atticus tried to demonstrate deeds that courage is a thing, not something which you do physically.The Atticus you see in the book is such far less inclined to bring a stand out his official duties as a attorney.Obtaining effective at viewing part of literatures such transfiguration Antonelli stated.Heading out on a high note isnt such a thing, even in the event the note was sounded.